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Which Works Best for Your Ageing Skin, HIFU or Thread Lift?

· health and beauty
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Aesthetic clinics, your beauty-savvy friends, beauty and wellness magazines and skincare blogs will probably tell you that the best non-surgical treatment for ageing skin nowadays is either HIFU treatment or Face Thread Lift. They are not totally wrong. In fact, it is not only in Singapore but across the world that these two are becoming the go-to facial treatment for visible signs of ageing. However, it is also important to know that they are incomparable to one another. So to answer the question, “Which of these two is more effective?” the answer is “it depends on your ageing skin’s problem. Today, we will discuss the three types of ageing skin and whether you should use thread lift or HIFU for each one.

What are the three different types of ageing skin?

It might be news for you that not all ageing skin are the same. In reality, there are three types of ageing skin and they are different from each other. Each one occurs to ageing people by chance or sometimes due to outside factors such as lifestyle. They are as follows:


Does your skin seem to sink as you age? It might appear as though your skin is developing dimples especially on certain areas such as the corners of your lips and around or below your cheekbones. This condition is called “sinker” or “sinking skin”. For this ageing skin type, face thread lift is recommended as it fills in the sinking area to make your skin looks firmer. 


Sagger or sagging skin might be the most common ageing skin type in Singapore. Since collagen production is significantly reduced as we age, it is normal for your skin to sag. For this skin condition, HIFU treatment is recommended as HIFU tends to not only lift the skin but also trigger collagen production.


Wrinkler or those whose skins tend to wrinkle as they age are also common. Their skin might not appear saggy but visible lines start to appear especially around the eyes and on the forehead. For this skin type, thread lift can be more effective as there will be a need to fill in the lines.

Should you feel unsure about the facial treatment for your ageing skin or simply wish to learn more about other facial treatments like Rejuran healer, visit Shiro Aesthetic Clinic today!