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How I Lost My Weight After My Giving Birth

· mskinny coffee,lactation oats SG,lactation supplement,mskinny cocoa SG

Three months after I gave birth to my firstborn, my friend, who I hadn't seen in a long time, asked me, "when are you due?". She was referring to my postpartum belly. 

Five months after I gave birth to my second born, a different friend who came back from the United Kingdom after five years asked me with a big smile on her face, "are you pregnant? Congratulations!"

I cannot blame them, obviously. That's what a woman's body is supposed to be months after child delivery. But I would lie if their totally harmless comments affected me and how I viewed my body.

I saw a lot of mummy testimonies on the internet on how they got back into shape after their pregnancy. That is what I wanted to achieve. Receiving comments like "you look like you've never had a baby" was my dream. So after giving birth to my third child, I went into exercise, diet, breastfeeding, and Ms Kinny cocoa blocker

Here's the story of how I lost my pregnancy weight. 

First and foremost...

Mummies, remember that pregnancy weight is normal. And weight gain does not necessarily mean you gained more fats. The extra pounds you have during the pregnancy can be due to your breasts getting larger, the baby and the placenta growing bigger, and your body creating more blood and fluid to supply your and your baby's needs. 

However, gaining so much weight during pregnancy is not ideal as well. Being overweight and obese during pregnancy could pose a health risk to you and your baby.

My suggestion is to ask your prenatal and postnatal care provider when it comes to gaining and losing weight during and after pregnancy. 

In my case, my physician has allowed me to take lactation supplements for milk supply and Ms Kinny cocoa blocker moderately right after my postpartum period. 

Mummies, remember that we have different bodies and needs. Consulting your doctor is important!

Breastfeeding helps!

Well, in my case, it was effective. If you want to lose weight within the postpartum period or the first six weeks after pregnancy, I highly suggest nursing your baby regularly.

Breastfeeding helps burn hundreds of calories per day. Not only do I burn calories while sitting, but I also get a chance to feed my baby nutritious food and bond with him as well. 

While I was breastfeeding, I ate a lot of lactation oats to boost my milk production. After my postpartum period, my doctor allowed me to take lactation supplements for my milk supply. 

As a mother of three, I know that there are lots of restrictions during the postpartum period. You can't do exercise and other vigorous activities, so breastfeeding is a safe way to lose your post-pregnancy weight. 

Reminders, my fellow mums, breastfeeding as a method of weight loss may not work for you. As I said, each body is unique, so don't get frustrated when it doesn't work. At the end of the day, you have provided your child with nutrition. 

A balanced diet is a key

Another thing you can control during your pregnancy is your diet. But, mummies, for the love of gods, don't starve yourselves after giving birth just to lose weight. 

Vitamins and minerals are important for your body's recovery. After all, it had been through a lot of stress and changes during nine months. 

What I did was control my daily calorie intake without compromising the nutritional needs of my body. 

I opt for natural sources like fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and whole grains instead of processed meat and sugary drinks. 

After my postpartum period, my doctor also allowed me to drink MsKinny coffee at least thrice a week. I also drank a glass of Ms Kinny cocoa blocker from time to time, and they were really effective. 

Mummies, consult your doctors first before taking any supplements like lactation supplements for milk supply. 

Don’t forget to exercise!

I know mothers are more interested in how I got rid of my mummy tummy quickly. So here's my secret: exercise!

My postnatal care provider programmes help get rid of diastasis recti or the mummy tummy and other post-pregnancy complications like urinary incontinence. 

Diastasis recti are caused by the separation of our core muscles during pregnancy. These custom exercises help our abs to return to their original form. 

Normally, your doctor will not allow you to engage in any rigorous exercises and strenuous physical activities. But these diastasis recti exercises are incredibly easy and light. However, I still recommend doing them under the guidance of your postnatal care provider. 

Final Words

What I learned in my journey is that mums should not be ashamed of their bodies. After all, it is the same body that created miraculous wonder-- giving a gift of life. 

If you still want to get in shape after giving birth, you can try the tips I mentioned above, including breastfeeding and lactation oats and supplements, diet and MsKinny coffee, and exercise. Try all of it under the guidance of your physician. 

Lastly, I want to thank MsKinny for being with me in my post-pregnancy weight loss journey. If you want to learn more about their products, visit MsKinny's website.