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How I Got Slim In Just Three Months

I was overweight as a kid. My parents and other relatives found it cute, especially during my preschool years. I loved to dance in the middle of the room with chubby cheeks and a gummy smile. But as I grew up, I realised that being overweight is unhealthy. Aside from silent snides and bullying from my classmates, deep inside, I knew that being overweight may take a toll on my health as I age.

At the age of 17, I weigh 166 pounds which were already high for my age and height. And I gained more weight during that period. Puberty, school and part-time job stress had pushed me to eat more. Stress eating as what they call it. I tried different weight loss products in Singapore, but nothing seemed to be effective.

From 166 pounds, I became 194 pounds when I hit 20 years old. At the end of 2020, I decided to make a new year's resolution, promising to reduce my weight by at least 44 pounds. My ideal weight at the end of 2021 is 132 pounds.

I developed my own slimming plan for 2021, and so far, I've lost 11 pounds in just three months!

The First Three Months Of My Journey

Starting in January, I enrolled in a gym class with a fitness instructor to help me with my fitness journey. My fitness instructor helps me with different exercises such as sit-ups and planks to strengthen my core muscles, push-ups to tone my biceps and triceps. She also makes me do cardio exercises, including a regular treadmill. I also have weight training.

During weekends, I go cycling around the city. Mostly in the morning or night when the weather is less warm. Sometimes I go swimming in the community pool. As much as possible, I keep my body active and moving to burn calories and fats.

Aside from my gym exercises, I also do jogging and walking to sweat myself. Whenever I go to my office, I use the stairs to climb three storeys instead of using our building's elevator.
Of course, the slimming process will not be effective without a proper diet. There are many trending diet methods in Singapore, including the keto diet, crash diet and intermittent fasting.

Before trying those diets, my fitness instructor recommended me to consult a doctor first or stick to a more balanced diet.

I tried the latter suggestion and adjusted my diet. I reduce my carbohydrates intake. I lessen my rice and bread consumption for each day.

I also include in my diet more vegetables to increase my metabolism rate and also to help my body detoxify and fight carcinogens. For meat substitute, I eat tofu and other protein-rich food such as legumes, nuts and other soy products.

Also, drinking water and being hydrated is important when you are trying to lose weight. Water promotes better absorption of nutrients.

Sugar intake must be my major cut-down. Since I love sweets and I am a sweet tooth at birth, it is very hard for me to restrict myself from deserts.

Instead of buying sugary drinks such as cola, soft drinks, and artificial fruit juices, I now make my own fruit smoothie. All-natural and no added sugar, except for the sugar content of the fruit itself.

Bananas, mangoes and pineapples are my favourite smoothies. Aside from being delicious, they are also packed with vitamins and minerals.

To accompany my diet, I also take slimming products in Singapore that work for me. There are lots of detoxifiers and probiotic weight loss products available in Singapore.

An alternative to instant coffee is my slimming tea in Singapore. I would like to add that using weight loss and slimming products in Singapore can be a trial and error. Finding the right and suitable weight loss products in the Singapore market will take time. I would recommend giving your slimming product months to see the effect before getting rid of it.

Also, exercise and a healthy diet help in the effectiveness of your product. Without self-control when it comes to eating and proper exercise and physical activity, the slimming tea you buy in Singapore can't do the work alone.

Aside from cutting down my carbohydrates and sugar intakes, having a healthier diet and daily exercise, and assistance from weight loss products, reducing alcohol also helps.
Alcohol like beer causes dehydration. Alcohol slows down fat and calorie burning. It also increases your appetite and makes you hungry more often.

I tell you, the first three months of intense exercise and the sudden change in diet is really a struggle for me. Until now, I still find it difficult stopping myself from food indulgence, especially when I have my cravings. However, with self-discipline and a clear goal in mind, I am able to lose 11 pounds in just three months!

I would like to thank, as well, Avalon for providing me with effective slimming and weight loss in products in Singapore. Their slimming tea and fat burner products are truly wonderful and effective. I believe Avalon plays a big role in my weight loss journey.