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Here Are the Things You Must Know in Thread Lift!

· Beauty,Medical,Health

Have you ever thought of getting a face thread lift in Singapore or not anytime soon? If yes, but you are still hesitant with your plan, that is okay. It is normal to feel that way since it concerns two things: your finances and changes in appearance. That is why you should take your time and make sure to think things through. Note that once done, there is no getting back. 

And while you are still thinking things through, gathering more details about the procedure you want to get will help you decide better. Besides the pros and cons, you should also know what you have to do before and after. Doing so should help you get the most out of the aesthetic treatment and guarantee that it would last long. 

Therefore, before you get a nose thread lift in Singapore or anywhere on your face, take note of these things. If you do, you would be able to take extra care of yourself, and your looks would have a better outcome as a result. 


Even though the face thread lift in Singapore is a non-invasive procedure, you should still bring and wear loose clothes. Make sure those garments are something you would feel comfortable wearing, so you would not get irritated with them when the procedure starts. 

If I changed into a clinic gown, is it still necessary to wear loose-fitting clothes?

Of course, since you still have to change back to what you wear or brought after the procedure ends. And the reason you need to wear this type of clothes is to prevent the treated area from getting irritated from hug-fitting garments. 


Whether you have a dental appointment or wax removal next week, reschedule it until the treated area gets better. Note that even if the procedure is non-invasive, it will still need time to recover. That is why you should push back those other treatments you would get at least after two weeks since you had the thread lift


Whether it is hot or cold, both are not good for the treated area. That is why before you proceed with your plans and undergo a nose thread lift in Singapore, make sure you will not be in places with extreme temperatures like saunas or walk-in coolers for at least ten days.

If you cannot do that, the outcome will not be as good as you imagine it. And you might even have to get another one for optimal results. 


Once the procedure ends, you should never sleep on your stomach or lean on one side for the first five days. Even better, if you can do it for a week. Doing so should prevent the treated area from getting press by your weight or pressure. 


If you do so, the makeup you applied on your face would only irritate the treated area. That is why try not to wear any cosmetics for at least two days before and after the thread lift session. 


As you already know, these vices are not good both for your health and skin. Therefore, if you do both, try not to do these at least a week before and after the procedure. Doing so should help your skin get ready to get treated and recover later on. 


If the treated area swells after the procedure, you should apply some ice pack to it. Make sure to apply it for fifteen to twenty minutes and do this three to four times a day. Doing so should help reduce the swelling. 


But make sure to do it as gently as possible. Otherwise, it would irritate the treated area. That is why try not to rub your face when you wash it.


If something unusual happens, see and consult your dermatologist right away. They are the only ones who can resolve and take care of your concerns. 

Being Careful Is the Key to Successful Thread Lift!

The same is true for nose fillers in Singapore. That is why as your dermatologist is being careful doing the procedure done on your face, you should also do the same. Note that whatever you do before and after the thread lift has an impact on the result. 

Therefore, make sure you keep all of these things in mind before you even book an appointment. Doing so should help you become prepared and ready for the face or nose thread lift that you will get. 

If you are still looking for a reliable dermatologist facility, go to Shiro Aesthetic Clinic! Here, you would be able to restore, refine, and reborn the beauty you want to have and achieve.

To book an appointment with them, fill out the form here.