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Collagen Drinks? How it Gave Me Brighter Skin and Stronger Nails

· collagen drink

With my 30th birthday approaching sooner than I’d like, I’ve spent a lot of time recently looking into how to switch up my beauty routine to stave off the inevitable wrinkles. I tried Botox about eight months ago, and while I liked how smooth it made my forehead, it’s not exactly the most cost-effective method to keep lines at bay. So when I heard about Avalon's collagen drink in Singapore—antioxidant and collagen protein-packed beauty drinks that can be taken daily to support healthy, youthful skin—I knew I had to give them a, well, shot. I decided to down one every day for a month in hope of more youthful skin on the horizon.

What’s in a collagen drink exactly?

The star of Avalon is the ever-trending collagen protein. Collagen, an essential building block of healthy skin, is the protein matrix that keeps skin firm and strong. This collagen can become easily damaged as a result of our daily exposure to environmental factors such as sunlight and pollutants. And when collagen breaks down, you can say hello to wrinkles.

Each drink contains grams of hydrolyzed collagen, along with a few other skin-loving ingredients like vitamin C (which protects against environmental damage that causes ageing). Biotin (the B vitamin that supports skin, hair, and nails), and hydrates like hyaluronic acid, cucumber extract, and aloe vera extract. It increased my skin elasticity after just four weeks, so considering the beauty shots contained twice that amount of collagen, I was optimistic!

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When we take collagen, it gets broken down into amino acids by our digestive system. These amino acids are then absorbed through the gut. Once absorbed, collagen can be utilized throughout our entire body—not just our skin—so there’s no guarantee where it’ll end up. Collagen is also important for gut and joint health. Though more research is needed on collagen’s skin benefits, both docs I spoke with said there certainly wouldn’t be any downsides to getting more of it.

Drinks, anyone?

As a beauty writer, I have access to the best skin-care products and know I have to be very diligent with sunscreen, so my skin started in pretty good shape. That said, though, I have started to notice itty-bitty lines forming at the corners of my eyes, and that my face looks more tired and dull than it did in my early and mid-20s.

So given how important collagen is for skin health and how much pollution I’m exposed to living in Singapore—I was pumped to add these beauty drinks to my daily routine and see whether I’d notice any differences after a month.

My routine

I kept the rest of my relatively low-maintenance beauty routine the same so, I could measure whether or not the collagen drinks were doing anything. I used a gentle facial cleanser morning and night, applied sunscreen in the morning, and continued my usual retinol serum before bed (retinol is the gold standard wrinkle-fighting ingredient). Once a week, I slathered on a brightening face mask.

I’m always in a rush to get to the office on time in the morning, so I stashed my shots in my bag the night before so I wouldn’t forget to take them. Still, I got home from work most days that first week only to find the shot still in my bag—so I had my first few collagen drinks for dessert. Once I started taking them out of my bag as soon as I sat down at my desk, though, getting into the routine grew easier. On crazy-busy days, I often didn’t get around to imbibing until the afternoon, so instead of going out for my usual iced hibiscus tea at three o’clock, I made the beauty collagen drink my afternoon treat. I even packed a few drinks with me on a long weekend of travelling for a friend’s wedding and knocked them back before moving onto more traditional celebratory beverages (a.k.a. actual shots).

I expected the collagen drinks to be overly sweet and artificial, but it was delicious! Nice and subtle with no weird aftertaste. And despite all of the ingredients in there, the drink went down like water. I worried they’d be goopy or chalky, but they had a thin, pleasant texture. I came to enjoy drinking my shot every afternoon and was sad when my 30 days were up.

My complexion, a month later

After 30 days of dutifully downing my collagen drink, I didn’t notice a change in the wrinkles around my eyes—but I did, however, notice that my complexion looked all-around brighter than usual. Before the beauty shot experiment, my entire face had been looking pretty lacklustre, but the area underneath my eyes had been riding a struggle bus (which probably has something to do with the fact that I don’t always get a full eight hours of sleep) and I often sported dark circles.

By the time my month-long shot habit came to a close, though, not only did my entire face look brighter, but my under-eye area looked much more, well, alive. I even stopped applying under-eye concealer! Since dullness was something I was looking to address, I was really happy to see that these shots had some effect.

Plus, there was another surprising benefit from taking the shots: My nails suddenly felt harder and stronger. I bite my nails, and they normally break very easily, but by the end of the 30 days, I realized I hadn’t dealt with a cracked nail since before I started guzzling the shots. Glowy skin aside, I’d continue drinking the collagen drink just to keep my nails strong year-round!

If you want these to happen to you too, I suggest you try Avalon's products today. If you are also looking for slimming supplements in Singapore, visit their website now.