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7 Things to Know Before Getting an Acne Laser Treatment

· acne treatment sg
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Acne happens when your skin pores become blocked with dead skin, oil, and bacteria. Often, teenagers have this because of the sudden changes in their hormones. Good thing there are few ways on how to reduce this. One of which is acne laser treatment in Singapore. Here are the things you should know before getting one.

1. Consult a Dermatologist
If someone guarantees to treat your acne scars before a medical consultation, walk away. A reliable acne dermatologist in Singapore will have to examine first your skin condition before suggesting laser treatment.

2. Always Wear Sunscreen
You have to wear this before and after so you can protect your skin from a possible burn, scars, and discolouration caused by the sun. Ask your dermatologist what SPF you need to apply.

3. Things to Avoid
Besides the direct heat from the sun, here are more things you should avoid before and after getting an acne treatment in Singapore:

  • Stop smoking for two weeks.
  • No drinking of medication unless prescribed by a dermatologist.
  • Avoid using skin care products that have retinoid and glycolic acid for one month.

4. You Might Need More Than One Session
To achieve the best results, you might need more laser treatment. Sometimes, you might need to get a derma filter for better results. However, consult your doctor first before asking for more.

5. After Care Treatment Is A Must
To avoid side effects, make sure to follow the instruction of your dermatologist about post-treatment care.

6. Takes Time to See Results
Likes most medical procedures, acne laser treatment also takes time to appear. Ask your dermatologist when you can expect to see visible results.

7. Health Insurance May Not Cover The Cost
Most health insurance providers considered this as unnecessary treatment. But make sure to ask yours to find out if they do cover this or not.

Acne treatment in Singapore may seem the perfect way to get rid of acne. However, results vary from person to person. Thus, to get optimal results and avoid serious side effects, take note of these things.

Looking for a reliable dermatologist for acne in Singapore? Check out, Assurance Skin. Their expertise will never fail to get rid of your acne!